Monday, January 10, 2011

Status Check

Just a quick drop to give a status update. Growth is slow. I'm beginning to think I should invest in better lighting. Going by the appearances of the lettuce and broccoli they act like they are not getting enough light. I recently added another bulb to try and help the lettuce out. It's a plain incandescent--nothing fancy.

Since the last post, I purchased a digital timer and have my flood cycle running 6 times a day for 10 mins each--just long enough to get the roots and media good and wet. I have also postponed my weekly nutrient exchange. The current nutrient solution still appears clean and good. Nutrients are pricey so I'm going to monitor it on a daily basis and see if I can stretch it any. I added about 1/4c. of 'Gro' nutrient tonight to 'top it off'.

I am debating pulling the lettuce and trying another variety if they do not perk up or improve soon. The lettuce is an organic variety and my thinking is they may be a little less stout? I'm not sure... we'll see.

Now to the photos! :)

The basil is doing good. The second set of leaves have sprouted. None of the other herb seeds sprouted, so we'll be re-sowing more soon.

A peek in the growing area. The lettuce is stringy and very weak. I added the small lamp above to try and boost their growth. I also lowered the florescent lights to get them closer to the plants. You can see the broccoli in the background doing fairly well.

Another view of the progress. The broccoli is doing much better than the lettuce, but still not as well as I had hoped. Perhaps I am doing something wrong... I need to research more and find out. I have a feeling it's my lighting. Unfortunately lights are very expensive $200+!

More to come...

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