- Empty Egg Carton
- Wood Shavings or Saw Dust
- Left Over Candles or a Wax Block
- Two Pots (one to melt the wax in, one to hold water and the wax pot)
- Water
- Heat Source
- Stir Stick (scrap piece of wood works well)
Take the empty egg carton:
Add the wood shavings, compacting them into each egg-well as tight as possible. Poke a hole in the center to allow full penetration of the wax:
Using your heat source (a DIY Ammo-Box Wood-Stove in this case), take the larger pot and fill it 1/2 way with water. Then place your "wax pot" into the water along with your wax to be heated/melted. Stir the wax and heat until completely melted:
Carefully pour the hot wax evenly and gently into the egg carton, completely covering the shavings:
Allow the wax to dry overnight:
The next day, cut the egg carton up into individual sections/fire starter pods:
Pack up the fire starters in a Zip-Loc bag to keep dry and ready for use.